The long Earth Wiki

Alexei Krilov is one of the three Russian scientists, along with Viktor Ivanov and Sergei Djanibekov, sent by the Moscow government to Marsograd on Gap Mars to study the local life forms and how humans could live on this world. He's the base biologist and also serves as a medic.[1]


He is described as slim, blond and under forty. He is seen wearing a grubby white lab coat when Sally Linsay visited Marsograd.

The Long Mars[]

Alexei first appeared during the events of The Long Mars, in March 2045, when Sally Linsay, who was travelling at the time with her father and Frank Wood to explore the Long Mars, was brought to Marsograd by Viktor.

He was sent to the Gap Mars to study the local life forms and how humans could live on this world but unfortunately, after the Yellowstone eruption, Datum Russia was abandonned due to the new extreme weather conditions. It is said that Moscow is under ice and polar bears wander around the Red Square now.


  1. The Long Mars - Chapter 17